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Indiana University Student Television

IU student builds Assembly Hall and Memorial Stadium in Minecraft

BLOOMINGTON — IU Hoosiers are known to be some of the craziest and most-loyal fanbases, but one IU Bloomington sophomore is taking it to a new level—building a complete replica of Memorial Stadium and Assembly Hall in Minecraft.

Jackson Kronland, a Butler fan-turned Hoosier is putting a whole new meaning to Coach Cig's "Study Later" motto.

"It was after the Charlotte game, and I was kind of stuck inside and drinking anything all day, and it was 90," Kronland said. "So kind of dealing with heatstroke, I was like, okay, I'm gonna chill and then might as well get on the game and build Memorial Stadium."

Block by Block, and months of work later, Kronland is nearly finished with the replicas, which he says will likely be the only thing he will build in the Minecraft world.

Using Google Earth, photos online and his own in-person visits, Kronland built the entire venues to near scale.

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